Friday, December 10, 2010

"The slow, the never-ending approach to truth consists in perpetually forming and testing hypotheses, accepting those which at the time seem to fit the facts and rejecting the others."
                         -The Golden Bough, V. The Magical Control of the Weather

It's been really fun sitting here the last couple of hours watching everyone's posts come flying in.  There were at least 8 posts an hour for a while there.  I suppose, however, it has come to be my turn to call it a night.  I, like Jase, am an engineering student, so I came into this class with trepidation, nervous about taking a literature class with a literature professor and a bunch of literature students (don't laugh, I challenge you to come take Mechanics of Materials or Advanced Engineering Mathematics - it's nerve wracking!)  I was scared off a little further when it became apparent many of my peers had already taken a course or two from Dr. Sexson, and this familiarity pushed me ever deeper into solidarity, until little by little I was able to gain bits of confidence due to mandatory presentations and an extensive group project (Group 5 represent!)  Now look at me, blogging like a madman as if I actually wanted the inner workings of my mind to be laid out for public scrutiny!  I regret that my schedule next year does not allow for another Sexson class, so I will have to take what I learned this semester and utilize it efficiently over the next couple of years.  At least until 2012; after that, it won't matter, right?

Fresco of the Last Judgment by Michelangelo
Anyway, thanks for taking me in.  I was impressed with the way everyone who blogged had something useful and pertinent to say, though I want to thank in particular Dustin, John Nay, Corrin and Kari - I related best to their blogs and was quite inspired by the depth of their analysis and understanding.  I've been scrapping to come up with a myth that best defines me and...I've got nothing.  I figure that's not all bad - my exposure thus so far has been largely Greek and Roman in origin, so maybe I'll have to see what the Norse have to say on the subject (editor's note: I just realized I spelled "have" as "half".  I'm a little worried about all the other mistake's I'm sure to have missed...).  And so I leave you now, back to the beginning and knowing it for the first time - that is to stay, I started out knowing nothing, and now I really know how much nothing I know, naught but negligible knowledge of tales long past, nary a nick on the necessary number of narratives needed to endure...

...sorry about that.  I'm tired, and therefore shall seek refuge in the blissful silence of sleep, and take solace in space or deep sea, where the neither the whispers of the winds nor sounds of the scenery survive...

...dang, that doesn't even make sense.  I'm going to regret writing this tomorrow.  Farewell, all.

I fear this may not be the end of my blogging, and may in fact keep this one going, at least until Break, should I find anything pertinent to say.  We'll see.

"This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end"
-The End, The Doors

"That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane -
Lenny Bruce is not afraid
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine"
-It's the End of the World as We Know It, R.E.M

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